Bella Mai Academy offers Beauty & Aesthetics Accredited Practical & Online Training Courses in Essex.
VTCT, ITEC & ProQual Ofqual Regulated Courses and CPD Accredited Courses.
We ensure you get high-quality training, clear concise manuals and tutors who are passionate about teaching. All tutors are fully qualified and insured to the highest standards.

Our online training portal has everything you need to help you successfully complete your training from online courses to pre-learning course modules, we wanted a platform that would bring you all kinds of training, not just one area, all under one roof!!
Our aim is to improve not only the way we teach our students but how we interact with them.
Everything our students need is readily available in this easy-to-navigate platform, including:
✅ Learning 24/7, anywhere via any device.
✅ You can track your course progress.
✅ Course forums.
✅ Online Courses & Pre-learning modules.
✅ Student shop.
✅ Video tutorials.
✅ Zoom Integration.
✅ Direct Emails.
Full information is on the homepage of our portal and is explained fully, it is completely FREE to sign up and have a look around
If you would like to access and explore our Online Training app and portal, you can either access it via our app from the App Store, or click on the link below.
You need to make an account to sign in to the student portal login to browse the courses we offer. Then you can store your sign-in details and you will not need to sign in again.
If you would like to access via a computer or laptop, click the Online Portal tab on the menu at the top of our website above.