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Our hands are rarely protected from the sun and toxins and are often the most skin-damaged part of the body. Dry, cracking, wrinkled, and sun-spotted hands cast an obvious spotlight on our visible age, and pain from joint conditions may only hinder our ability to live life to the fullest.
Show your hands the love they deserve with the Omnilux Contour Glove.

Why Contour Glove?
Combined red (633nm) and near-infrared (830nm) wavelengths of light work to reduce joint pain, inflammation, and redness, while boosting collagen and elastin production. What results is healthier, smoother, and more relieved skin.
Equipped with 144 LEDs and manufactured using Ominlux's proprietary gold standard technology, the Contour Glove provides a medical-grade treatment built to protect and correct an often overworked and under-treated area.

How to use:
We recommend 3-5 10-minute treatments per week for 4-6 weeks, followed by maintenance as desired.
Charge your controller and then connect it to the device.
Prepare your skin.
Secure the device to your head using the velcro straps.
Start the 10-minute treatment.
Remove the mask and apply moisturiser to the skin.
Gently wipe down the mask.​
Technical Specifications:
LED Type: Red and near-infrared
Wavelengths: 633nm (red) and 830nm (near-infrared)
Number of LEDs: 132 LEDs (2 per bulb) & 66 LED bulbs
Weight: 621oz
Targeted Use: Hand and wrist
Certifications: FDA, CE, TGA
Warranty: 2 years: device and 1 year: controller
Flexible silicone glove device
Rechargeable battery controller
Power supply and plug adaptors
USB-C line to USB-A connector
Head straps
Carry bag

Omnilux Contour Glove Treat your hands
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Omnilux LED Light Therapy
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